Please follow the instructions BELOW carefully to perform your measurements.. It is important that you spend a minute to record each number in the correct manner so we can have your assessment report analysed accurately
Instructions|Recording Measurements

WRONG LEVEL HIP circumference

1. NECK circumference

3. HIP
2. WAIST circumference
1. Always measure at the widest point - easpecially at the waist as well as the hip.
2. Please follow the landmarks as illustrated in the images to measure at the correct level. These landmarks are not the same as the ones used for tailoring clothes.
3. Measure in inches and use the same landmarks for future follow-up measurements
4. Keep the tape snug and without tilts or twists. Stand in front of a mirror if doing it by yourself
WRONG LEVEL WAIST circumference
CORRECT LEVEL HIP circumference
O Use a flexible tape measure specifically designed for body measurements.
O Do not use construction or other stiff material tapes or ropes
O Do not fill in numbers by estimating or guessing with any other method
O Do not use or compare with your tailoring mesasurements
O Measure in inches only